Contributed paper list

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)
New e-learning course for social survey and introductory statistics
T Hirose, Y Kanazawa, Y Arakawa, M Kagawa, T Mizuhara, Kazunori Yamaguchi
Kazunori Yamaguchi (Japan)
This paper introduces a new e-learning course for principles and methods of social survey and introductory statistics, which are for all students in Rikkyo University. The course consists of the following four subjects; Introduction to the social survey, Social Survey Methodology, Introduction to the Statistics: Descriptive Statistics, Introduction to the Statistics: Statistical Inferences. These subjects are accredited by Japanese Association for Social Researchers as the course for social researchers. Students can learn about survey methods, for example, designs of samples, how to make questionnaires and so on, as well as basic statistics in this course. Usages and linkages to the official statistics in Japan, videos titled statistics for daily life, and interactive learning contents are included in the course.