Contributed paper list

(Wednesday 14th, 08:20-09:20)
The impact of using pupils’ daily social practices as well as computerized simulators as a teaching medium on motivation and knowledge construction regarding probabilities among high school pupils
Vincent Grenon, François Larose, Jimmy Bourque, Johanne Bédard
Vincent Grenon (Canada)
Probability education, from a purely mathematical and decontextualized point of view, notably regarding frequency-based probabilities, leaves barely any evidence of long-term learning among middle school pupils. When contextualized in a playful manner, and by calling on pupils’ daily social practices, probability education becomes a powerful tool for giving meaning to statistics in a school setting. Within the framework of a funded research conducted among high school pupils in 8 classes with 5 different participating teachers in the Montreal region, we integrated the use of computer games to teach probabilities. In this paper, we will summarize survey results and results of group interviews conducted with these pupils at the end of the study. Our research data show that learning while playing, by using computerized simulators as a teaching medium, is effective in motivating pupils and in building knowledge.