Contributed paper list

(Tuesday 13th, 08:20-09:20)
Linking probabilities to real-world situations : how do teachers make use of the mathematical potential of simulation programs?
Laurent Theis, Annie Savard
Laurent Theis (Canada)
In Quebec secondary schools, the teaching of probabilistic concepts is mandatory, but most teachers feel insufficiently prepared. Furthermore, middle school students are confronted to gambling activities at a young age, without necessarily understanding the underlying probability. In order to analyze the development of a more realistic and mathematically correct understanding of gambling activities, we conducted a one-year design experiment involving 4 high school teachers. We trained the participants in various concepts of probability and accompanied them to prepare classroom situations, which they used in their classrooms. In this paper, we analyze how the participating teachers used a simulation software we provided them. Mainly, the teachers used the software to show that gambling activities do not pay off over the long term. However, it was more difficult for the teachers to discuss probabilistic concepts through the simulation software.