Contributed paper list

(Tuesday 13th, 08:20-09:20)
A teaching experiment dealing with statistics in high school
Sandra Magina, Irene Cazorla, Edgard Silva
Sandra Magina (Brazil)
This study involves a teaching experiment to improve students’ understanding of statistics basic concepts, by integrating statistics and data analysis related to science and social studies, contextualized in Vitruvian Man of Leonardo da Vinci. The design followed the model proposed by Rumsey (2002) for the statistical competence. Twenty two 10th grade students from a public school in Sao Paulo, Brazil went through all phases, from the formulation of the hypothesis, the collection of their own data, the discovery, the use of tools to interpret the data (in both paper and pencil and computer based), and to the communication of the result. Participants were given a pre and a posttest. The results are discussed in terms of the nature of teaching strategies and innovative use of technology. Students showed an expressive improvement to deal with statistical concepts from pre to post-test.