This paper is from Session 7B: Statistical literacy requirements for teachers
which comes under Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society
(Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)
Statistical literacy requirements for teachers
- Brian Beaudrie (Northern Arizona University, United States)
- Barbara Boschmans (Northern Arizona University, United States)
- Jeffrey Hovermill (Northern Arizona University, United States)
This paper examines the relationship between statistical literacy in a broad sense and international teacher preparation and student learning standards pertaining to statistics. This paper begins with a discussion of why statistical literacy is essential in today’s society and the consequences, on an individual and societal level, of not being statistically literate. Since teachers should play a primary role in developing statistical literacy, the authors present an examination of teacher preparation and student learning guidelines from multiple countries in the area of statistics. The authors present conclusions regarding the alignment between societal statistical literacy requirements and teaching and learning guidelines. Recommendations for meeting teacher statistical literacy requirements are offered based in this analysis.