This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at school level
(Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)
Statistical education at the Secondary/Higher Education interface
- Jennifer Noll (United States)
This session explores the connections and transitions between higher education and secondary education. The session will discuss issues of learning and teaching at both the secondary and university level with particular interest to issues involving the transition from school to university.
There are many general challenges in supporting students’ transition from secondary level education to higher education; for example, students may struggle with changes in teaching style. There are also challenges specific to the teaching and learning of statistics in the transition from school to university. School students enter university with previously formed opinions about their ability to understand statistical ideas and beliefs about the topic of statistics. These prior beliefs can impact how students approach university statistics courses. For example, students who have struggled with statistics at school may have negative attitudes and/or low confidence in their ability to succeed in university statistics courses. In other instances, students with little prior school experiences in statistics may enter university ill prepared for these courses.
Many college and university departments have school liaison officers who act as a link between the two. School/university liaison can take many forms, including school competitions focused on mathematics and statistics sponsored by university departments, accreditation of school statistics courses for college credits, and (statistics) activity days or camps for school students. Liaison activities serve many purposes, including: providing students their first experience of university life, supporting students learning of statistics, and facilitating a smoother transition from school to university. Liaison activities are important in promoting statistical reasoning, literacy, and thinking skills.
This session will seek to address a variety of the areas outlined above, examining the ways in which schools and universities can interact positively to improve statistical education for school children and university students alike.
Paper | Title | Presenter / Co-author(s) |
2D1 | What did they learn? Statistics skills: from French secondary school to university | Alain Bihan-Poudec (France) Philippe Dutarte (France) |
2D2 | Bridging the statistical gap: creating successful secondary/higher education partnerships | Daren Starnes (United States) |
2D3 | Preparing future teachers to teach statistics | Gail Burrill (United States) |