This paper is from Session 4I: Integrating Bayesian methods with traditional statistics education
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

The very beginning of a class on inference: classical vs Bayesian



Although the original Bayesian theory was settled in the 18th century, due to various previous computational difficulties, only in the last 20 years has the Bayesian method grown substantially. This may explain why only the classical approach has been offered at the educational level. In our view, it is important to present both approaches to undergraduate students, enlarging their vision not only about statistical tools but also about the inherent philosophy of those schools. Both approaches offer tools to solve practical problems. The students may have a quite different background and come from different courses, and can be encouraged to select, in the future, the best method for their purposes. Our suggestion is to present the main ideas of inference, starting with some issues about conditional logic and its influence on the inferential conclusions, comparing both classical and Bayesian approaches. Examples will be presented.