This is a session of Topic 9: Technology in statistics education
(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)
Advancing statistics education through visualization technologies
- Paul Murrell (New Zealand)
New tools in data visualization enable dynamic graphics, animation, collaborative visualization, and conditional plots, and open up many possibilities in statistics education. Skills in creating effective graphical representations of data and in reasoning about data through visualization may well be the most valuable statistics skill for students to learn. Dynamic graphics and animation offer alternatives to mathematics for learning key statistical concepts. Students are able to rapidly grasp statistical concepts and intelligently apply methodology when encountered heuristically through visualization. Collaborative visualization can be a catalyst for discussion and collective insight about data, and when plots are shared and discussed, students can understand data in new ways and gain practice in statistical thinking. With conditional plots, rich and complex structures in data can be easily uncovered and understood. Easy-to-use and open-source software with high-level visualization capabilities empowers students, including those who have little background in theory, to be creative and exploratory. Such software has the potential to spark insight and engage students in statistical thinking.Papers
Paper | Title | Presenter(s) / Author(s) |
9D1 | Using visualisation to teaching data analysis and programming | Hadley Wickham (United States) |
9D2 | Statistical cartoons: the role of graphics in understanding statistics | Adrian Bowman (United Kingdom) |
9D3 | Using Gapminder tools to animate statistics | Hans Rosling (Sweden) |