| | Presenter |
C102 | Preservice Mathematics Teachers' TPACK Development in Statistics Teaching: A Microteaching Lesson Study | Gamze Kurt Birel (Turkey) | |
C103 | Developments of teachers’ knowledge facets in teaching statistics with digital tools measured with retrospective self-assessment | Ralf Nieszporek (Germany) | |
C104 | Cognitive transfer assessment in post-secondary statistics | Matthew Beckman (United States) | |
C105 | School students’ skills to compare datasets | Burkhard Priemer (Germany) | |
C108 | Attitudes & Beliefs in Statistics Learning for Social Science Graduate students | Erin Scott-Stewart (United States) | |
C110 | Simulations for addicts of gambling | Piet Van Blokland (Nederland) | |
C115 | Social and Economic Networks and Financial Literacy in Statistics Classes: Lessons and Experiences | Peter Kovacs (Hungary) | |
C117 | Statistics: A Window to Understanding Diversity | Mahtash Esfandiari (United States) | |
C118 | Do Video Clips and Online Self-tests have Added Value in Educating Statistics ? | Elly Korendijk (Netherlands) | |
C119 | Dunning-Kruger effect for students taking statistics courses | Carl Lee (United States) | |
C120 | Graduate Students Teaching Statistics: Their Experiences In Community and Beliefs About Teaching | Nicola Justice (United States) | |
C121 | Innovations in statistical training: reflections from the UK Q-Step Initiative | Jackie Carter (United Kingdom) | |
C124 | The use of a story-based task to explore sampling distributions | Collette Lemieux (Canada) | |
C131 | Effect size and statistical inference | Jeffrey Witmer (United States) | |
C135 | Data-Driven Learning Strategy in Introductory Statistics Courses | Xiaoyi Ji (United States) | |
C138 | Statistical Contents and Lessons in the Japanese Curriculum of Mathematics for Upper Secondary Schools | Yuichi Oguchi (Japan) | |
C139 | Teaching practice of “analysis of data” using computer games — team making with Quality Control problem solving method | Tomomi Masuda (Japan) | |
C141 | An education curriculum for developing analytical system engineer being good at statistics | Naoko Sakurai (Japan) | |
C142 | Perspectives in Teaching Statistics in a Pedagogy Course in DE | Auriluci Figueiredo (Brazil) | |
C145 | The Accessibility Analysis of Senior High School Statistics Texts in Indonesian Textbooks | Nurul Taflihati Masykar (Taiwan) | |
C146 | Building a culture of data driven decision making in higher education using data warehousing | Johnson Mwangi (Kenya) | |
C147 | The Effect of the Structure of Contingency Table Data on Students’ Inferences | Ting-Ying Chu (Taiwan) | |
C152 | Decision-making in uncertainty-infused learning situations with experiments in physics classes | Tobias Ludwig (Germany) | |
C155 | Using R to teach statistics | Charles Taylor (United Kingdom) | |
C158 | Comparing Instructor Created vs. Externally Created Homework Assignments And Their Effects On Exam Scores | David Swart (United States) | |
C159 | Impacts of A Teaching Statistics MOOC on Educators’ Perspectives and Practice | Gemma Mojica (US) | |
C167 | Can a Simulation-Based Inference course be flipped? | Noelle Pablo (United States) | |
C168 | An Integrative Work in Statistical Classes | Diana Kohan (Argentina) | |
C170 | Activities and types of statistical graphs in textbooks of primary education in Perú | Miluska Osorio (Perú) | |
C171 | Improving capacity and quality of undergraduate statistics instruction through research-based TA training experiences | Jennifer Kaplan (United States) | |
C174 | Implementing a Simulation-Based Inference Curriculum in Indonesia: a Preliminary Report | Kie Van Ivanky Saputra (Indonesia) | |
C175 | What is Statistics? Examining the Disciplinary Beliefs of Incoming Statistics TAs | Kelly Findley (United States) | |
C176 | Building support communities for statistics educators | Amy Hogan (United States) | |
C177 | Assessing retention of statistical concepts after completing a post-secondary introductory statistics course | Stephanie Mendoza (United States) | |
C178 | A Three-tiered Training Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants | Lynette Hudiburgh (United States) | |
C179 | Examining Distractors in Multiple-Choice Questions for Classroom Assessments: Learning from Psychometrics | Yan Liu (Canada) | |
C182 | Effects of statistical words on the way students view data | Hiroki Otani (Japan) | |
C186 | The Engagement with Big Data Analytics in Business: A Preparation | Nelia Ereno (Philippines) | |
C190 | Case study on expected value and standard deviation of sample mean | Eun Ha Kim (Rep. of KOREA) | |
C192 | Could open-ended questions be replaced by multiple-choice questions in Statistics exams? | EJ Bakker (Netherlands) | |
C193 | Statistics capacity building and alignment of learning outcomes with business sector needs in the GCC Countries | Ibrahim Alfaki (United Arab Emirates) | |
C195 | Teaching Time Series to Undergraduate Students | Mike Forster (New Zealand) | |
C200 | A Framework and Survey for Measuring Students’ Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics | Douglas Whitaker (United States of America) | |
C201 | Strategies Employed by Secondary Mathematics Teachers on Inferential Reasoning Tasks | Maryann Huey (United States) | |
C202 | Transforming Teaching and Learning Statistics: A Multidimensional Approach | Monica Dabos (United States) | |
C203 | The Impact on Teacher Attitudes and Statistical Pedagogical Knowledge of a Regional Hub and Mentorship Program for Two-Year Colleges in the U.S. | Michael Posner (United States) | |
C207 | Teaching design of cross-curricular statistical education at high school in JAPAN | Fumihiko Mitsunaga (Japan) | |
C211 | Secondary teachers’ understanding of statistical modeling after teaching a simulation-based statistical inference course | Michael Huberty (United States) | |
C213 | Overcoming challenges with service courses in Statistics | Matina Rassias (United Kingdom) | |
C220 | Using the SETS level A items to classify pre-service teachers' self-efficacy to teach statistics: an application of the Mixture Rasch Model | Leigh Harrell-Williams (United States) | |
C223 | Post-secondary teachers’ understanding of p-value | Jason Mark Dolor (United States) | |
C227 | Students’ behavioral intentions regarding the future use of statistical methods | Polona Tominc (Slovenia) | |
C229 | Improving Teaching and Capacity in Statistics Education: The case of Ghana | Bashiru I.I Saeed (Ghana) | |
C234 | Teaching Biostatistics course with flipped classroom | Mingan Yang (U.S.A) | |
C235 | Blended Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study in Postgraduate Applied Statistics Programs | Jahar Bhowmik (Australia) | |
C240 | Diversity-Related Projects in an Introductory Statistics Course | Kirsten Doehler (United States) | |
C244 | Comparing the efficiency of mathematical V. intuitive explanations in conditional probability | Sigal Levy (Israel) | |
C245 | Similarities and Differences of Learning Approaches of Student in Statistics and Mathematics: A Case Study from Turkey | Eti Mizrahi (Turkey) | |
C246 | Project-based curriculum as a guide for the re-sequencing of a discipline specific statistics course | Veronica Fruiht (United States) | |
C247 | Specialist and Non-Specialist Students' Attitudes Towards Statistics | Zainal Abidin Koemadji (United Kingdom) | |
C251 | Significance of intuitive explanation of CI for non-statistician students | Yelena Stukalin (Israel) | |
C253 | You R, so you are ! | Koo Rijpkema (the Netherlands) | |
C258 | Introductory Statistics with Deferred Uni Variate for Long Term Academic Degree Program | Nuha Gunawan (Indonesia) | |
C259 | The Effects of Virtual Manipulatives on Statistics Achievement of Undergraduate Students | Xin Ma (United States) | |
C261 | Developing and assessing written communication skills in large introductory statistics classes | Elizabeth Johnson (United States) | |
C264 | Developing the skills demanded of a statistician beyond statistics: a case study in biostatistics | Stephanie Hubbard (United Kingdom) | |
C268 | Repeated Sampling as a step toward Informal Statistical Inference | Marianne van Dijke-Droogers (The Netherlands) | |
C270 | Taming Statistics for Students with APL | Stephen Mansour (United States) | |
C278 | Cultivating Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research in Applied Statistics | David Holmes (United States) | |
C279 | Preparing students for a career in Statistics | Jay Mandrekar (United States) | |
C282 | Practical use of correlation coefficients in the Social Sciences | Oscar Hernandez (Costa Rica) | |
C283 | Teaching probability and statistics to pre-service elementary school teachers | Yoshiji Takagi (Japan) | |
C290 | Challenges for Independent Student Projects: A Perspective of the Teacher | Layla Guyot (United States) | |
C295 | Utilizing a Flipped Classroom for an Introductory Biostatistics Course | Jacqueline Milton (United States) | |
C298 | Teaching Learner-Centered Statistics: A Case for Blended Delivery using Google Apps | Leon Cygman (Canada) | |
C302 | Can a three-day intensive statistics boot camp increase graduate students' core knowledge and self-efficacy? | Brian Leventhal (United States) | |
C304 | Factors Affecting Performance In Statistics Of Benguet State Unversity College Students | Precious Valentin (Philippines) | |
C305 | Simultaneous Modeling Of Rainfall Quantity And Incidence In Pangasinan Using Poisson-Gamma Distribution | Jennifer Miguel (Philippines) | |
C307 | Event History Analysis of Attrition and Degree Completion in Graduate Studies | Bobby Roaring (Philippines) | |