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This is a session of Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Friday 16th, 16:30-18:00)

President’s session: challenges and opportunities for statistics education and the IASE



As awareness and recognition of the importance and complexities of statistics and statistics education increase, so too do the opportunities and challenges for all involved in teaching statistics and for a professional association for statistics education. In many ways, the reasons statistics is one of the most challenging areas of education are the same as those that make it so important. Making sense of variation and uncertainty is a fundamental human activity and an integral part of problem-solving in an enormous breadth of contexts. The variety of future users, consumers, reporters, producers, and developers of statistics, is as extensive as the contexts in which statistical thinking, skills and concepts find a role. Meeting the challenges and taking the opportunities require approaches that are inclusive and cognisant of the nature of statistics and statistical thinking and of the duality of its universality and diversity. This session and its discussants will consider some aspects of how statistical education and the IASE need to reflect the nature of statistics to continue the substantial and significant work already accomplished in statistics education.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
1H1Ask good questionsAllan Rossman (United States)
1H2Contexts and questions for statistics education and the IASEHelen MacGillivray (Australia)
1H3Panel discussionAdrian Bowman (United Kingdom)
Delia North (South Africa)
Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium)
Chris Wild (New Zealand)