Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Friday 16th, 14:00-16:00)

Statistics education in South America



The goal of this session is to present a cross-section of papers that inform about the actual situation, the developments, actual trends and projects in all the levels (primary, secondary and tertiary: colleagues and universities) that are taking place in statistics education in South America.
We will focus attention on:
  • Learning and teaching in diverse countries
  • The curriculum at different levels
  • The role of technology
  • The impact of recent research on statistics education
  • The impact of statistics reasoning from elementary through university schooling
  • The situation of journals in statistics education in the different countries
  • Post-graduate programs in statistics education
  • The evolution and roles of teachers’ associations
We propose an analysis from a broad perspective considering the different situations on each educational system taking in account not only the fortress but also the weakness of statistical education.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
10F1Trajectory and prospects of statistics education in BrazilIrene Cazorla (Brazil)
Tânia Campos (Brazil)
Cláudia Borim da Silva (Brazil)
Verônica Yumi Kataoka (Brazil)
10F2The impact of an instance of quaternary educationTeresita Evelina Terán (Argentina)
Mercedes Anido de López (Argentina)
10F3Different views of a basic statistics courseMarcos Magalhães (Brazil)
10F4Teaching statistics to physicians: a five-years experienceÂngela Tavares Paes (Brazil)