This paper is from Session 10G: One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned?
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Monday 12th, 14:00-16:00)

One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned? Part 2: Problem solving, pedagogy and employees


  • John Marriott (RSS Centre for Statistical Education, United Kingdom)



In this part we consider how we have learned that statistics provides the best way to make evidence-based decisions and solve problems. From this we propose that more people should teach the subject using a problem solving approach. The emergence of a pedagogy for statistics is another key lesson. We present challenges that still exist, especially in relation to the use of statistics in employment and in the final section we bring together conclusions from both parts.