This paper is from Session 9G: Design matters: How resources and experiences impact learning in online courses
which comes under Topic 9: Technology and multimedia in statistics education
Paper 9G3 (Thursday 12th, 11:00-12:30)
Designing for educators in a Teaching Statistics MOOC: Design principles and use of multimedia to support participant engagement
- Hollylynne Lee (North Carolina State University, United States)
- Gemma Mojica (North Carolina State University, US)
- Jennifer Lovett (Middle Tennessee State University, United States)
Though many MOOCs exist for learning statistics and data science, very few exist for learning to teach statistics to students from adolescents to adults. Designing a course for professional educators is fundamentally different than designing for learners of statistics. We present four design principles enacted in the Teaching Statistics Through Data Investigations MOOC for Educators. We discuss results of implementation from six offerings in 2015-2017, including characteristics of the 2525 enrollees from around the world, their patterns of engagement, and key ways the design principles impacted their experiences. We focus on how use of multimedia to communicate a framework about supporting students’ approaches to statistical investigations impacted participants’ learning and how they viewed the framework as useful for their practice.