This paper is from Session 9F: Using data visualization to build statistical thinking
which comes under Topic 9: Technology and multimedia in statistics education
Paper 9F3 (Friday 13th, 14:00-15:30)
Concept Images and Statistical Thinking: The Role of Interactive Dynamic Technology
- Gail Burrill (Michigan State University, United States)
Understanding a statistical concept involves creating a mental image of that concept. Interacting with carefully developed dynamic interactive technology files can help students build a dynamic “movie clip” of features of the concept that can become the basis for understanding. The paper discusses the impact of interactive “action/consequence” apps used with carefully designed tasks in a project involving elementary preservice teachers. In particular, the technology was used to help students confront misconceptions in making sense of statistical ideas, in particular for the purposes of this paper, variability. Initial results of the analysis of their thinking using a framework adapted from the Solo taxonomy are described