This paper is from Session 9D: Engaging students in learning statistics
which comes under Topic 9: Technology and multimedia in statistics education
Paper 9D1 (Monday 9th, 14:00-15:30)
From co-created learning resources to personalised online courses for blended learning
- Thijs Gillebaart (I Hate Statistics, Netherlands)
- Pim Bellinga (I Hate Statistics, Netherlands)
Statistics, numeracy and quantitative literacy are being taught at many levels and disciplines. Ideally, each teacher would have their own personalized course materials, matching the level and discipline of their group. However, currently teachers are often forced to prescribe one-size-fits-all materials or create their own course materials from scratch. We present a novel online platform that allows statistics teachers to collaboratively create and share learning resources, including simulations, visualizations, questions and interactive exercises. This allows teachers to build upon the work of others, by re-using or changing the materials, and easily combining them into a personalized course. The system is being piloted. In this paper we present the preliminary design of this repository for open educational resources.