This paper is from Session 9A: Supporting students doing data analysis by using digital tools designed for use by students
which comes under Topic 9: Technology and multimedia in statistics education
Paper 9A1 (Tuesday 10th, 11:00-12:30)
Co-Design of the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) for cross-disciplinary use at grades 6–14
- William Finzer (Concord Consortium, United States)
- Daniel Damelin (Concord Consortium, United States)
The rising importance of data science and the need for data science education at the pre-college level has led to the need for a new generation of data analysis and visualization software appropriate for use in school classrooms. The Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) represents a step toward answering that need as it evolves through an ongoing co-design process to be a tool for learning and engaging in data science at the school level. Data science education research conducted as part of the development of the software, sheds light on how learners make sense of hierarchical data structures represented in CODAP’s tables and graphs, especially as these representations make use of dynamic linking of data selection.