This paper is from Session 6H: Post-secondary Conceptions of Probability
which comes under Topic 6: Innovations in teaching probability
Paper 6H3 (Monday 9th, 16:00-17:30)
The Challenge of Teaching Probability to elderly people
- Teresita Teran (Faculty of Veterinary Science. National University of Rosario, Argentina)
In Argentina, the elderly people mostly have difficulties to interprete information, and especially that related to statistics. This is why this extension project carried out by teachers of Biostatistics of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences provides a response to this problem encouraging elderly people to act actively in the changing society in which we live, stimulating the interest to approach Statistical knowledge. At this stage the problem of probability is addressed. We work using an active methodology where each participant constructs his own concepts supported by problematic situations of the real life. The impact achieved is based on the trust acquired by elderly people to be able to exchange informed opinions using probability that allow them to occupy an active place in society.