This paper is from Session 1B: Statistical education software: Looking back and looking forward
which comes under Topic 1: Statistics education: Looking back, looking forward
Paper 1B1 (Thursday 12th, 11:00-12:30)
Design principles, realizations and uses of software supporting the learning and the doing of statistics – A reflection on developments since the late 1990s
- Rolf Biehler (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Starting from my 1997 paper on “Software for learning and for doing statistics. International Statistical Review, 65(2), 167-189” the talk will analyze developments in the years since then, including the emergence of software tools such as TinkerPlots and Fathom, which are close to the requirements developed in 1997 and which have been the object of many studies of students using these tools for gaining statistical knowledge and practice. More general tools such as EXCEL, the TI Nspire and Geogebra have also been including more features to support the learning of statistics. Based on these analyses and the currently available technologies (including web applications such as CODAP and several R-based environments) the 1997 requirements will be critically evaluated and updated with a view to future developments.