10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 4: Improving teaching and capacity in statistics education

Session 4C (Monday 9th, 14:00-15:30,   Level 3 - Conference Room C)

ISLP improving teaching and capacity in statistics education in Ibero-America



The International Posters Competition of the International Institute of Statistical Literacy, ISLP/IASE, has grown in ibero-america,in recent years. The aim of the ISLP competition is supporting, creating, and boosting activities of statistical literacy in every country in the world; demonstrating understanding through the execution of a project in statistics; and making a poster to present the project. The posters are judged according to these criteria: clarity of the message; data collection; analysis and conclusions; graphs and tables; presentation; creativity and importance. In this context, this session will present research papers from Brazil, Portugal and Venezuela. They present the results of the improvement of teaching and learning in statistics through ISLP, through the analysis of student's narratives, both participants and winners; through the views of the organizers, the jury members, and from the participants – teachers and students; and through an analysis of the statistical activities contained in mathematical books that could be used to support ISLP.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
4C1What a wonderful world: Portugal in the international posters competitionMaria Nascimento (Portugal)
José Alexandre Martins (Portugal)
Pedro Campos (Portugal)
4C2The math textbook, a support for the ISLP?Audy Salcedo (Venezuela)
4C3Narratives of Brazilian participants in the International Posters CompetitionMauren Porciúncula (Brazil)
Claudette Vendramini (Brazil)
Suzi Samá (Brazil)