This is a session of Topic 4: Improving teaching and capacity in statistics education
Session 4B (Monday 9th, 11:00-12:30, Level 3 - Conference Room C)
An Inquiry Teaching Environment for Data Producers: Statistics Tasks for Elementary Years of Schooling
- Leandro de Oliveira Souza (Brazil) : Session chair
This session presents research that investigates statistical tasks developed for and with students aged 10-14 years. The research considers pedagogical approaches that utilize real-life contexts for data generation in order to immerse students in learning processes that promote social interaction and promote learning through statistical investigations: posing questions, collecting data, analyzing data, and making decisions. The research advocates learning opportunities be based on students' learning needs and motivations, and address the statistics curriculum within meaningful contexts that are of interest to students. The perspective of this session is to discuss the way in which statistical inquiry tasks instigate and support students to be involved in active learning processes inside and outside of the school environment. Researchers from Colombia and Australia report on student performance on tasks in which students were responsible for generating, representing, and analyzing data. From Brazil, the research reports from the perspective of a teachers' professional development project, in which six teachers drew up for their classroom tasks allowing students to choose topics of their interest. Their discussion brings up ideas of statistical investigations set within dynamic learning environments. From Australia, the researchers focus on work completed by students within similar learning environments.
Paper | Title | Presenter / Co-author(s) |
4B1 | Early Childhood Experiences In Inferential Statistics Using An Inquiry Approach | Debra McPhee (Australia) Katie Makar (Australia) |
4B2 | Data representations in a STEM context: The performance of catapults | Noleine Fitzallen (Australia) Bruce Duncan (Australia) Jane Watson (Australia) Suzie Wright (Australia) |
4B3 | Scaffolding data conversations in a primary classroom | Sue Allmond (Australia) Katie Makar (Australia) |