10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 1: Statistics education: Looking back, looking forward

Session 1E (Friday 13th, 14:00-15:30,   Level 2 - Medium Conference Room)

Assessment: its lessons and effects



PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
1E1Improving student learning and instructional effectiveness through the innovative use of automated analysis of formative assessmentsAlex Lyford (United States)
Jennifer Kaplan (United States)
1E2Real-world contexts in statistics components of UK mathematics examinations: aiming forward, walking backwardsJames Nicholson (United Kingdom)
Jim Ridgway (United Kingdom)
1E3Research on statistical projects: looking for the development of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinkingAna Gómez-Blancarte (México)
Alberto Santana (México)