This is a session of Topic 10: Organisations and collaboration in statistics education
Session 10E (Wednesday 11th, 11:00-12:30, Level 2 - Medium Conference Room)
The Statistics Education Research Journal: A new era (panel)
- Christine Franklin (United States)
Session chair: Lucia Zapata
The Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) is run under the auspices of the International Association for Statistical Education. In this panel discussion the Editors report on the activities of SERJ, give a brief history of the journal, the types of papers that are sought and some common problems that decrease the likelihood that a submitted manuscript will be published. Using several papers as illustrations, key points about what makes a good journal paper are highlighted. We also give an overview of the challenges and issues facing SERJ and its future development. Time will be given for participants to ask questions and share their perspectives.
Panel discussion
Ref. | Panellists |
10E1 | Maxine Pfannkuch (New Zealand) |
10E2 | Manfred Borovcnik (Austria) |
10E3 | Jennifer Kaplan (United States) |