10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Monday 9th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

9:15-9:30Housekeeping and Introduction
9:30-10:30Keynote Session
Keynote Hilary Parker*Cultivating Creativity in Data WorkTerrsa Hall
Chair: Rob Gould
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 4B
An Inquiry Teaching Environment for Data Producers: Statistics Tasks for Elementary Years of Schooling
Session organizer and Chair: Leandro de Oliveira Souza
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Debra McPhee*Early Childhood Experiences In Inferential Statistics Using An Inquiry Approach
Noleine Fitzallen*Data representations in a STEM context: The performance of catapults
Sue Allmond*Scaffolding data conversations in a primary classroom
Session 2D
A perspective on statistics education from three different countries
Session organizer and Chair: Pedro Arteaga
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Russasmita Sri Padmi*Indonesian students’ experience with real-life data and cross-border collaboration: What does the graph say?
Saleha Naghmi Habibullah*A Workshop in Pakistan on Teaching Statistical Inference Through a Freely Available Online Software
Carlos Mantilla*Using ICT’s for to Introduce to Statistic
Session 4K
Curriculum and unique approaches for statistics discipline in various departments and centers at Japanese Private Universities
Session organizer and Chair: Mihoko Minami
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Yasushi Nagata*Statistical education in department of industrial and management systems engineering of Waseda university
Kotaro Ohashi*Statistical Education Initiatives at Rikkyo University
Mihoko Minami*Statistics major offered by the Department of Mathematics at Keio University: Curriculum and student-led events
Jinfang Wang*Bringing Up Data Scientists in Japan: Yokohama City University
Session 10C
Building Statistics Capacity at University through Industry-integrated skills Development Collaborative Projects (panel)
Session organizer and Chair: Delia North
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Temesgen Zewotir*Panellist
Martin Gellerstedt*Panellist
Murray de Villers*Panellist
Session 5E
Statistics Education Across Discipline
Session organizer and Chair: Joachim Engel
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Sophie Lee*A statistics module that interactively engages undergraduate medical students
Caterina Primi*The role of mathematics anxiety and statistics anxiety in learning statistics
Martin Malaspina*Psychological factors associated with academic performance in statistics
Session 9H
Teaching Statistics Online
Session organizer and Chair: Michael Bulmer
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Santiago Inzunza*Design and Evaluation of a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory to Confidence Intervals based on Simulation and Real Data
Nicolette Fozzard*Change? Bring it on: Experiences in Moving a First Year Biostatistics Course Online
Session 3C
Modern data and visualizations in the introductory statistics course
Session organizer: Stephanie Budgett
Chair: Rachel Passmore
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Anna-Marie Fergusson*Exploring modern data in a large introductory statistics course
Volker Kraft*Keeping it Real with Data Visualization
Charlotte Bolch*Students’ Understanding of Data Visualizations
Session C1B
Contributed papers
Chair: Eleazar Silvestre Castro
Level 2 - Seminar Room 1
Elly Korendijk*Do Video Clips and Online Self-tests have Added Value in Educating Statistics ?
Carl Lee*Dunning-Kruger effect for students taking statistics courses
David Swart*Comparing Instructor Created vs. Externally Created Homework Assignments And Their Effects On Exam Scores
Stephanie Mendoza*Assessing retention of statistical concepts after completing a post-secondary introductory statistics course
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 1IASE Executive Committee Meeting 1Level 3 West - Conference Room 3
SIG 1Short courses for non-statisticians in the workplace
Organizer: Sophie Lee
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
SIG 3Data Science Education
Organizers: Tim Erickson, William Finzer
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 9B
Data science in secondary education
Session organizer and Chair: Rolf Biehler
Terrsa Hall
Robert Gould*Mobilize: a Data Science Curriculum for 16-year-old students
Andee Rubin*Data Clubs for middle school youth: engaging young people in data science
Tim Erickson*Data Moves: one key to data science at the school level
Session 4C
ISLP improving teaching and capacity in statistics education in Ibero-America
Session organizer and Chair: Mauren Porciúncula
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Maria Nascimento*What a wonderful world: Portugal in the international posters competition
Audy Salcedo*The math textbook, a support for the ISLP?
Mauren Porciúncula*Narratives of Brazilian participants in the International Posters Competition
Session 7H
Statistical literacy of teachers
Session organizer and Chair: Temesgen Zewotir
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Karen Ruiz-Reyes*Statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking in mathematics teachers training
Genelyn Ma. Sarte*Training on Statistics for Teachers of Daan Sarile Integrated School in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Session 5K
Education for biostatisticians (trial statisticians) in Japan (panel)
Session organizer and Chair: Yasuo Ohashi
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Yasuo Ohashi*Panellist
Taro Shibata*Panellist
Hironori Sakai*Panellist
Daisuke Koide*Panellist
Session 5D
Statistical Education and Work Integrated Learning
Session organizer and Chair: Ayse Aysin Bilgin
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Emmanuel Abatih*Flanders’ Training Network for Methodology and Statistics (FLAMES)
Ayse Aysin Bilgin*Industry Collaboration through Work-Integrated Learning in a Capstone Unit
Session 1G
Backwards and forwards with research
Session organizer and Chair: Marie Fitch
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Per Nilsson*The nature and use of theories in statistics education – looking back, looking forward
Carl Sherwood*Storytelling and Teaching Statistics
Cindy van Es*Impact of non-cognitive interventions on the performance of women, minority and international students in Introductory Statistics
Session 7B
ISLP past and now
Session organizer: Reija Helenius
Chair: James Nicholson
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Pim Bellinga*How to collaborate with the media to enhance statistical literacy of the general public
Kazunori Yamaguchi*History of the Statistical Graphs Competition in Japan and its Role in Statistical Literacy Developments
Reija Helenius*ISLP past and now
Session 9D
Engaging students in learning statistics
Session organizer: Efi Paparistodemou
Chair: William Finzer
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Thijs Gillebaart*From co-created learning resources to personalised online courses for blended learning
Justin Wishart*Keeping students engaged with Shiny interactive tools
Sashi Sharma*Enhancing Statistical Literacy through Real World Examples: A Collaborative Study
Session C2A
Contributed papers
Chair: Susanne Podworny
Level 3 - Conf Room A
Amy Hogan*Building support communities for statistics educators
Leigh Harrell-Williams*Using the SETS level A items to classify pre-service teachers' self-efficacy to teach statistics: an application of the Mixture Rasch Model
Jason Mark Dolor*Post-secondary teachers’ understanding of p-value
16:00-17:30Parallel Sessions
Session 3B
Randomisation and bootstrapping: the quick way to inference
Session organizer and Chair: Mike Forster
Terrsa Hall
Nathan Tintle*Development of a tool to assess students’ conceptual understanding in introductory statistics
Beth Chance*Student Gains in Conceptual Understanding in Introductory Statistics With and Without a Curriculum Focused on Simulation-Based Inference
Robin Lock*Connecting Intuitive Simulation-Based Inference to Traditional Methods
Session 3H
Distributions to spatial statistics: New approaches to teaching statistic
Session organizer and Chair: Anelise Sabbag
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Ethan Brown*Developing students’ causal understanding of sampling variability: A design research study
John Blake*Learning through Induced Errors: A Garden-path Approach to Introductory Statistics
Emanuele Giorgi*Using a problem-driven approach for teaching statistics at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Session 7D
Fostering students‘ knowledge and statistics related affect
Session organizer and Chair: Temesgen Zewotir
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Francesca Chiesi*What happens when attitudes toward statistics change (increase vs descrease) during the course?
Rachelle Hackett*Metacognitive Scaffolding to Develop Critical Consumers of Research
Laura Tirlea*The use of Socrative in promoting classroom engagement: a qualitative investigation
Session 9M
Statistics Education with MOOC
Session organizer and Chair: Naoko Sakurai
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Jung Jin Lee*Developing a Mobile Learning Course of Elementary Statistics for K-MOOC by Using Modules of Dynamic Graphical Software for Teaching Statistics, eStat
Fumitake Sakaori*Developing a massive open online course of introductory statistics in Japan
Yumi Yahagi*A report on the online learning system on statistics, provided for the students in Tokyo University of Information Sciences
Session 6H
Post-secondary Conceptions of Probability
Session organizer: J. Todd Lee
Chair: Todd Lee
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Neil Hatfield*Students' Conveyed Meanings for Probability
Egan Chernoff*The Problem with Deciding if Order Matters
Teresita Teran*The Challenge of Teaching Probability to elderly people
Session 4G
Professional Development Programs
Session organizer and Chair: Susan Peters
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Tatjana von Rosen*Evaluating the quality of the Master’s Program in Statistics: a study of the curriculum effect on the quality of students' master theses
Thomas Wassong*What kind of content remains in memory after a Continuous professional development for statistics? Results of an interview study
Susan Peters*Professional Development to Transform Middle and High School Teachers' Understandings about Distribution
Session 2F
Perspectives on statistics education with a focus in primary schools
Session organizer and Chair: Jill Fielding-Wells
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Karin Landtblom*Is data a quantitative thing? An analysis of the concept of the mode in textbooks for grade 4-6
Kazuhiro Aoyama*Ingenuity and challenges to incorporate statistical-inquiry process into statistics lessons in primary schools: The case of Japan
Arjen de Vetten*Informal Statistical Inference and Pre-service Primary School Teachers: The Development of Content Knowledge in Teacher College Education
Session 6A
Conditional Probability, Part 1: Learning probability with visualisation
Session organizer and Chair: Andreas Eichler
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Marie Fitch*Conditional probability: friend or foe?
Markus Vogel*The effect of visualizing statistical information in Bayesian reasoning problems
Patrick Weber*Frequency phobia in spite of probability blindness
Session C3B
Contributed papers
Chair: Milo Schield
Level 2 - Seminar Room 1
David Holmes*Cultivating Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research in Applied Statistics
Jennifer Kaplan*Improving capacity and quality of undergraduate statistics instruction through research-based TA training experiences
Lynette Hudiburgh*A Three-tiered Training Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants
Hiroki Otani*Effects of statistical words on the way students view data
17:30-18:30Focus on Posters 1: meet the authorsFoyer
18:30-19:30Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 2Advisory Board of the Statistical Literacy ProjectLevel 3 West - Conference Room 3
SIG 2The Scientific Production in Statistical Education in Latin America
Organizer: Celi Espasandin Lopes
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3